Child Custody Investigations can have many heated allegations from both sides. As Professional and Licensed Private Investigators, we can help tilt the evidence in one direction. We conduct discreet surveillance to get a better understanding of how a child is being treated and all documentation, whether it is abuse, neglect, reckless driving, etc., will be shared with the client and in court if need be.
In a Custody Battle a Child Custody Investigator takes on : Interviewing neighbors, teachers, family members or anyone who may be involved in the child's life.
Asset searches are conducted to find assets that may be hidden. If assets are found and you had no knowledge, then this evidence can be used in court to argue the other parent is attempting to neglect financial obligations to the child.
The Child Custody Investigator can monitor the time each parent is spending with the child to make sure there is compliance with the custody agreement. A criminal and personal background check of the other parent and people that they have involved in their child's life can also be conducted.
By having our team on your side we will help you find the evidence you need to make sure your child is safe in the right home. Your child's safety becomes our priority . At times, false accusations can be made on you and we can help show falsity in any allegations in your child custody case.
KB Private Investigations, LLC
13542 N. Florida Ave suite, 114C Tampa, FL 33613
Free phone consultation
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(813) 408-1172
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